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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Hasslefree Moderns

Currently I am attempting to acquire techniques that will help me produce more realistic skin tones.  I chose to make my first attempts using these Hasslefree figures as they are simple sculpts with clean lines.

Rather than rely simply on the Reaper skin tone triads, I have used Crimson Red, Burgandy Wine, Winter Blue, Pale Lavender and Old West Rose to work down into the shadows (all paints used are from Reaper). A more complete description of the technique can be found at The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.

Figures are from Hasslefree Miniatures, are 28mm and were sculpted by Kev White.

These are the first three out of a team of five.  The other two figures are being done in a deep ebony skin tone.  When I post those figures I will endeavour to do a detailed description of how those skin tones were achieved.


  1. Stunning work as always Anne, you have a true talent for capturing both shading, highlighting and also colour choice

  2. Great painted minis Anne! Colours are magic!

    1. I add your super blog tomy list:)Greeting!

    2. oh, noes, Annzie, Michal will reveal you to the world :)

    3. Thank you so much Michael!

      @Dezzy-Moi is still keeping things on the low down. I like this quiet little blog.

  3. Those colour names are so lovely! I'm sometimes sad we don't have many words for colours in my language.
    Love the green colour of his coat!

    1. There is even a colour called Maggot White. The paint manufacturers can get very creative with these names.

    2. do they smell lovely too? I remember that some water paints smelled nice when we used them back in the school days. Do they last you long, are they expensive? Are they permanent or can be washed away? Do they have sparkly colours too :) These are the questions that keep me up at night, dahlink.

    3. They are expensive, but a small bottle can last me years. And they can be stripped easily with a simple pine cleaner. Oh yes, they have sparkly colours as well-in blues, reds, purples,greens etc.

      Thank you for following me darling. When I get to 10 followers, I'm done!

    4. Blogger has recently cut down everybody's followers because now you cannot follow if you don't have a google account. I've lost about 30 to 40 followers on that day :)

  4. Fantastic blending of colours, stunning work!

  5. Fantastic. The figures are lovely, but I do like the shading you have done on the bases, compliments the figures.

  6. What is catching my eye on these figures are the skintones! Excellent work!

